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Coffee Break

Decaf Coffee Subscription

Decaf Coffee Subscription

Regular price $19.23 USD
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Decaf should be great too! We're roasting a variety of high-scoring decaf coffees, and with this subscription you'll be first in line.

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Subscribe to a rotating selection of decaf coffees.

Decaf coffee can be awesome. Heck, it should be!

Rather than treating decaf as an after-thought we want to put as much time, effort, and thought into our decaf program as you do.

We're introducing a rotating decaf selection, with new roasts introduced each month for subscribers to our Decaf Coffee Program. As a subscriber, you'll receive delicious 12oz bag of decaf coffee at the interval that you choose.

Over the next year, we'll be exploring a variety of different decaf profiles which means that you'll receive something new and interesting every month. All of our decaf coffees will be water-processed (Swiss, Mountain, etc.) - meaning you won't be drinking coffees that were decaffeinated using chemical solvents (like ethyl acetate or methylene chloride).

We are focused on bringing high-scoring decaf coffees to our customers, and providing a window into what makes each coffee unique.

Small Batch, Hand Roasted Coffee

All of our coffee is handled with care and developed to highlight the strengths of its flavor and character.

Until we open a new commercial space for our speciality roaster, all of our coffee is finished at home. It is a cottage food, and regulated as such.

Here is the obligatory cottage foods statement, which applies to all of our coffee products:

Roasted By David E. Lewis

3512 Hutchens Ave, SE

Huntsville, AL 35801

Ingredients: Coffee

This product may contain allergens. This food is not inspected by the health department.